How much weight will you gain this holiday season?

How would you like that answer to be “Zero.” If you don’t want to put on weight but still enjoy the holiday festivities, you need to discover the 7 Secret Strategies To Maintaining Your Weight Over The Holiday’s. If your holiday plans will include cocktail parties, family get togethers, cookie exchanges, lunch time office parties, dessert receptions and holiday toasts, then you should know on average you will eat (or drink) an extra 1,000 calories per event. So if you have one of those a week, expect an extra 7,000 calories!!! That’s 2 pounds right there. Not to mention the big days – Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s – they are easily another 1,500 calories each and I am being really conservative on that estimate. Plus, let’s add in the crazy schedule of shopping, wrapping, driving the kids to every holiday event under the sun, the heavier traffic and your time to workout has just been zapped to nothing. You’re eating more and exercising less – so you can expect to gain between 5 – 10 pounds over the holidays. If you just can’t afford to put those pounds on – then you need to have a strategy to deal with holiday eating and have a little holiday elf on your shoulder helping you stay on the “nice” list this year and off the “naughty” list. Sound good? Well here’s the scoop. Now Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Home Page… Feeling Stuck? Welcome to Health-e-Coach where my goal is to help you get “unstuck.” Through Health, Happiness and Wealth you can design the life you long to live. You can’t focus on just one area of your life and expect to live up to your full potential. You need health to take part in family activities, keep up with your busy schedule and just plain feel good. You need happiness to make it all worthwhile. Why work and be healthy if you are totally depressed. Most people never take the time to focus on what makes them happy. You actually have to work on discovering what makes you happy and then making time for happiness in your life. Finally, there is wealth. Wanting enough money to do whatever you want is not a “evil” thing. Money is necessary to free up your time so you do what makes you happy. Money is also necessary for your health. It takes money to buy vitamins and good food, to join a gym or take classes and to pay for regular check-ups. You will find all kinds of useful information and tips to live a healthy lifestyle here. While learning and reading are great, you also need to get into action. You will find several action taking opportunities featured throughout these pages. Pick which area you want to get started with and start taking action. I suggest viewing the Healthy, Happy and Wealthy tabs at the top of this page to discover the highlights of each of these areas. Also check out the blog for great quick articles to get you thinking. As always, reach out to me through the Contact Page or the Comment Box whenever you have a question or want to share your thoughts.
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